Deactivated Sten Gun mk2 (typically `42) WW2 smg:
Sten Gun mk2 (typically `42) WW2 smg:
We love the Sten Gun - even if many don`t! It was a design born of pure simplicity - the easiest way to bang out an smg in almost no time - from an engineers perspective just admire the grip - a simple cut of welded metal - no need for wood! Sure, the safety catch was bad and if you dropped it it would probably go off, but if you wanted to blast a room it did the job just fine! These Sten MKII are the new spec, some with moving cocking handle, some without. A great piece of history and not half as bad as some say. It was actually a good gun. You just needed a file and a bit of elbow grease to get it working properly!
Deactivated WW2 Sten mk2 - you have to admire its simplicity - could have been Russian it was simply made...
Price range - from around £500
Aged replica Sten mk2 silenced:
Aged replica Stem mk2s Silenced with kit:
Now this is seriously cool - a really good replica Stem mk2 fitted with the correct silencer, silencer cover and sling and has been nicely aged. These Sten mk2s models were a favourite with SOE, Commando`s and Resitance fighters due to their inherant simplicity (in comparison with the more erratic De Lisle carbine or underpowered Welrod pistol). Strips, cocks and dry fires as per the real thing.
Aged replica Mk2s Sten fitted with silencer, silencer cover and sling:
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Deactivated British Sten Gun mk3 WW2 smg:
Deactivated Sten Gun mk3, British, WW2:
British WW2 Sten mk2`s and 3`s are getting really hard to find at the moment, which is a suprise considering we built so many of them, even the French Resistance said no more Stens! This one is a rare beast - a really, really good WW2 British army marked Sten mk3 (good condition, throughout), moving rrear bolt under spring pressure, mag ejects, partially strips - comes with correct certification.
Deactivated WW2 Sten mk3:
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Deactivated WW2 British Sten mk3, cocks and dry fires:
Deactivated WW2 British army marked mk3 Sten with Sling and inerts:
Here`s a good looking British Sten mk3 niceley British Army marked on the underside of the magazine housing, all original condition (not re-painted). Strips, cocks and dry fires and comes with deactivation certication.
Deactivated British WW2 Sten mk3, broad arrow marked, cocks and dry fires, comes with kit:
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Sten Gun mk2 WW2 smg, strips, cocks and dry fires:
Deactivated old spec Sten Gun mk2 WW2 smg, British Army marked:
Here`s a tidy looking all original WW2 Sten mk2, British army marked complete with sling and inerts in the mag. Old spec so it cocks and dry fires, mag housing rotates, mag ejects etc. and comes with UK deactivation certificate.
Deactivated WW2 Sten mk2 with kit, cocks and dry fires:
In Stock
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Deactivated British Sten mk2, silenced/unsilenced, excellent example, strips, cocks and dry fires:
British Sten mk2 silenced, cocks and dry fires:
Now its not often you can describe a WW2 Sten as a bit of a stunner.... but just check out this British Army marked Sten mk2 fitted with silencer but also comes with barrel shround and first pattern stock - and its all parkerised to match, strips cocks and dry fires, mag ejects, comes with correct deactivation certificate.
Deactivated Silenced Sten mk2, British Army marked, strips, cocks and dry fires:
In Stock - super rare
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DAG Blank firing Sten Gun mk2:
DAG Battlefield blank firing Sten Gun mk2 WW2 smg, top venting:
Here`s one for dedicated re-enactor, a 9mm blank firing Sten mk2, top venting just ahead of the front site so watch those fingers...(the previous owner fitted a mk5 foregrip to give hin something cooler to hold onto) quality of this one is spot on, nice and smooth and exceptionally works well on the few rounds we put through it. Comes with spare mags, blanks and sling. Strips, cocks and dry fires and fires blanks, VCR act applies and its only availble to real-deal battlefield re-enactors.
DAG Blank firing Sten mk2, superb re-creation and not a mk2 for a change, cocks and dry fires and fires blanks:
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One to buy: Deactivated British Sten mk5 1944 dated WW2 SMG:
Deactivated British Sten mk5 1944 WW2 SMG complete with original sling:
Heres an great example of a wartime Sten mk5, `44 dated - most of the original finish is intact, the woodwork is very good, bolt is welded in place, the mag housing rotates and the mag ejects, trigger moves and the gun comes with period sling and EU/Uk deactivation certification.
Deactivated British `44 WW2 Sten mk5, very original and complete:
In Stock
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Custom replica Owen sub machine gun::
Custom made replica Australian Owen SMG - very rare:
Blimey, hardly ever see a deactivated Owen gun (kind of like a Sten but was really made in a shed in Australia and adopted by the Aussie army in WW2 as it just worked really well, unlike the Sten...), never seen a replica, let alone one this good - custom made, all metal, extremly accurate replica, cocks and dry fires, mag ejects, does not strip - VCR applies.
Replica Owen 9mm smg - all metal, cocks and dry fires:
In Stock - super rare
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Old Spec Silenced Sten Gun mk2s WW2 smg:
Deactivated old spec silenced Sten Gun mk2 WW2 smg - very rare:
Super rare old spec silenced Sten mk2 - early on in WW2 SOE oversaw the need/development of both the Welrod and silenced Sten mk2 for clandestine activities - both types featured shortened barrels shooting through a silencer of layered chambers of leather - as long as you stuck to semi auto they were really effective for 30 or so shots, more thatn enough for the intended job! This one is an old spec deactivation (`89) so it strips, cocks and dry fires, condition is nice and original, no sign of the dreaded Halfords black spray on this one which is always good! Old spec so it cocks and dry fires, mag housing rotates, mag ejects etc. and comes with UK deactivation certificate.
Deactivated WW2 silenced Sten mk2, super rare, old spec:
Shipping is for UK mainland - for Europe
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07935 067654.
All our Prices include VAT at 20% where required - but please note that deactivated guns are technically second hand items so VAT is not applied.
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Terms & Conditions
Here at we try to get things right first time - but, being a bit crap sometimes, we do screw things up - if in any doubt please contact us - if we get a price wrong or are out of stock we will contact you immediately - many thanks.
Please note - all our items will require an authorised signature on delivery.
We list details of our current stock by batch - due to our high turnover of the most popular models - so the images and descriptions fit that model, though there may be slight variations in stock grain/colour and metal condition - please bare in mind that some of the de-ac guns are almost 100 years old!
Deactivated Guns and the law: cannot sell deactivated guns to anyone under the age of 18. Though are not required to store this in a gun safe it is advised you store them in you dwelling, preferably in a locked cupboard. When transporting de-acs please keep them in out of site, preferably in a gun bag. Be sensible - don`t mount a .50 cal on the roof of your Jeep and take a drive - its fine on private land at shows but given the current climate please do not stress our Police any more than they currently are!
Looking to sell a Deactivated gun or a collection of de-acs? Please contact us by clicking here for a good deal! - The deactivated gun you want at the price you NEED!